Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#talknt Handmade Swap!

We’re thrilled to announce the #talknt Handmade Swap! If you are interested in being involved, all you need to do is provide your details as listed at the bottom of this post. Please copy and paste the information requested in the form below into an email to talknt.swap “at” gmail . com.  This information will be used both to pair you up, and for your partner to work out what they are going to make for you.

Each person will be assigned a secret swap partner to make something for. Read over your partner's information (and feel free to stalk their blog for ideas if they have one). You are welcome to add in a few little treats (FQ's, fabric scraps, choccies etc) to the package if you wish to - that part's entirely optional.

We encourage you to join our Flickr group and post an inspiration mosaic to give your partner an idea of some of the colours, prints or quilty items you especially love.  Similarly, please post progress photos as you make your handmade item – it really increases the fun and engagement over the intervening weeks. (Note that the swap Flickr group is different from the regular sharing Flickr group so that our sharing photos don't get lost.)

Cut off date to register your interest is the May 29th. After that we'll sort out secret partners and message you who your partner is. You have until end of July (heaps of time!) to make your item and have it posted off to your partner. If you are sending via domestic mail, please choose a method with tracking. Please don't post your items to your partner until July 16th (even though it's tempting!). That way we all get our swaps around the same time and can share pics and brag about our awesome swap partners ;)

Deadline for signups: May 29
Deadline for sending international: July 23
Deadline for sending domestic: July 30
Do not send before: July 16

For the last option of "items you'd love to receive", please list three. Your partner will choose one of these to make for you.  We’ve listed some ideas to pick from – trying to keep everything limited to roughly the same amount of fabric/time invested.

Items you might consider :
doll quilt (up to 24" square)
table runner
2 x placemats
2 x mug rugs
cushion cover (up to 16" square)
sewing caddy
needlekeep and pincushion (as a set)

Here are some links with tutorials for some of these things :)
Doll Quilts

Table runners and placemats

Mug Rugs

Bags & Pouches

Cushion Covers

Sewing caddy

Pincushions and needlekeeps/needle books
http://www.tipjunkie.com/pincushion/ http://tipnut.com/26-free-tutorials-for-needle-books-cases/

Also have a look at Sew Mama Sew - tutorials on lots of things

Entry form – copy and paste this with your details below into an email to talknt.swap @ gmail . com (but no spaces).

Twitter name:
Flickr name:
Mailing address:
Will send international:   yes/no
Favourite colour/s:
Quilty likes:
Quilty dislikes:
Handmade items you'd love to receive (please pick three):
Any allergies in case of food items:
One “fun fact” about yourself:
Any other info you want your swap partner to know:


  1. So it's really goung to happen! hehe. Sounds like fun. I have not done a swap before, this sounds great. Thanks Cara for putting this together. You Rock!

  2. I'm very excited about this!! Can you please explain what "quilty likes/dislikes" is? Does "quilty" mean the type of project or fabric? Thanks!

  3. I said now more swaps, but I couldnt miss this and sewmer is here so yeah! More time to sew!
